The following frequently asked questions (FAQs) are designed to help you understand more about us, particularly in situations not explicitly set out in our company overview.
In formulating the “answers” below, we may have assumed certain underlying facts, selectively summarised the experience and concentrated on one particular aspect of the question. They are not definitive and do not apply to all cases where the scenario may at first appear similar. In any given case, regard must be had to all the relevant facts and circumstances.
Using the FAQs should refer to the case only and, if necessary, contact and ask our professional advice. you can also search by topics at the top right corner of our menu.
Seedready is a global business consultant company focuses on marketing and business innovation, which includes business development, organizational management, marketing campaign, market analysis, tactic and strategic consultation services. We service most of common business sectors, such as commerce & retail, hospitality & catering, manufacturing, agriculture and all other professional service businesses.
General stated, our marketing research base on gathering, analysing and recording information about your target audience, your business, your competition, and any other demographics that will help you market efficiently. For example, begin with analysing the overall market and identify who you wish to target. Competition research comes next because you have to know what you’re up against.
Building a marketing strategy requires a great deal of research, planning and analysis. Successful marketing strategies begin with defining objectives, redefining goals (personal and professional), detailing plans and programs, analyzing market research, and staying within your budget. Once you’ve tightened up your goals, evaluate which mediums (i.e.- print, internet, social media, etc.) will most effectively help your business.
Seedready's marketing services is a results centered company. While every marketing plan will identify goals specific to their respective business, our constant communication with you will keep you abreast of what progress is being made and what results are reasonable to expect. Our company’s mission is to manage and grow the relationship you have with your clients and to manage and foster the relationships we have with our customers- YOU. Our success is merely a reflection of your business’ success.
Of course needed! Printed materials are integral to any marketing strategy. Even if the bulk of your customers come from your website, chances are customers won’t remember that website, or tell a friend about your amazing business without having a written reminder of who you are. The survival of the magazine industry, despite the economy, is further proof that there is power in print!
People are spending money on print advertising, such as billboard, postcard, gift card, etc., it’s probably safe to say it isn’t dead. Our advise is spreading the money out over multiple outlets to reach more people. Print advertising done well is not dead; however, it’s important to do your research, finding outlets and creating ads that target your specific audience.
A company website is a great start, but it’s only the beginning and it is an important business asset. There’s no point in creating a website, if no one can find it or ever sees it. Web building is an ongoing process. You have to get your brand and your website out there to get traffic on your site. Blog writing, social media, webpage content updates, business cards, flyers, etc. are all great ways to get people on your site. Buying advertisements on other websites and submitting information to online directories will also help direct traffic to your site.
Marketing and public relations are useful to ALL businesses. As the famous adage states, “A business with no sign is a sign of no business.” You can’t increase the amount of customers you have if nobody knows who you are or what you do. The beauty of marketing and PR is its adaptability and reach.
You might have heard that about larger corporate centred marketing firms, but the opposite is true of Marketing Services. Our initial objective with any client is to identify what makes your business unique. Understanding your business’ “personality” helps us construct your one-of-a-kind brand. We foster that image throughout the marketing process to help you gain the consumer attention you need.
A company’s brand should be a direct reflection of your company’s mission, goals, and services. If your brand and marketing plan are well thought out and true to your company’s values and personality, you should have no trouble conveying it effectively. Unclear branding= ineffective, potentially confusing marketing.
Texting for business communication should be limited to those individuals you are particularly close with, or those whom you are communicating casually. Detail is limited with texting, so you should most assuredly exclude this method for questions whose responses are very complex or need to convey emotion.
Email, while hard to imagine, is the more formal of the two communication methods. Most professionals answer Facebook messages faster than email as it is usually seen as a quick, instant response, but shouldn’t be used unless you personally know the person you are in communication with or the tone of the message is distinctly casual. Additionally, if you choose to correspond via Facebook make sure you are using the correct messaging feature so your correspondence isn’t broadcast unnecessarily.
Yes, for example : Google+, LinkedIn or Instagram is another valuable social media marketing tool for different business. The difference among the sites is the audience. While social media is an ever-changing industry.
Want to know more?
Please contact us via our Contact section or get in touch with us directly through your nearest local Seedready office.