Big data age without metadata - a smash on digital marketing
Friday, 24 April 2015 14:39
"The Metadata Matter" is not a question any more, due to a major update to our online/internet digital marketing. Contentious data retention laws have passed Federal Parliament, with both major parties voting for the legislation in the Senate. According to ABC NEWS: The Australian Parliament has passed a series of amendments to the country's Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979, requiring "telecommunications service providers to retain for two years telecommunications data (not content) prescribed by regulations."
A raising trend for social media network marketing
Wednesday, 22 April 2015 12:58There is a shark behind a group of fish keeping them to swim in the pool, then the group of fish will be fresher. In marketing word, there is always new channels pop-up to replace the old channels, which likes a shark to keep the channels refresh. However, Internet increases the growth of new channels, which causes many of organisations spend more on marketing, such as the social network marketing, more channels then need to spend more time and resources.